Label: Áth na Ríogh Irish Red Ale

Finally! After toiling through several ideas over the better part of a month a solid thought came in and stuck. Here is the unveiling of the new label for the Áth na Ríogh Irish Red Ale. Again, we had several ideas and many of the pieces were there, we just couldn't put the puzzle together. Constructed with the aid of GIMP and Inkscape the label features washed out lyrics behind the name of the beer and a description of the beer to the left. Let us know what you think. If we're lucky we'll be putting this on bottles very soon!


  1. Seriously.... you are starting to become that kid from A Beautiful Mind when it pertains to label making! Love it bud. You definitely have some talent. Now I just have to taste the beer to be able to see if whats on the outside is as good as whats on the inside.

  2. Four bottles just isn't enough! I've tried to conserve, but I've only got one left. ;) Very good beer, man!

  3. Everything seemed to come together on this one. Good label, even better tasting beer. We're certainly proud of this brew and will be making it one of our staples!

  4. I may have to brew this one myself when the rest of our red is gone to try it out. I'd have to convert it to grains. How warm were your fermentation temps? What about original grav / final grav?

  5. Ferm temps. are tricky but I tried to keep them around 69F. O.G. was ~1.052, F.G. was ~1.012.
